Training Programs

Department faculty hold education and training as a key part of their mission.  At any point in time, the Department hosts dozens of post-doctoral fellows, graduate students and short-term training fellowships. The laboratories house students from around the world, and the Washington, D.C. community is among the most cosmopolitan nationwide.

There are many opportunities for arranging education and training within the Department. Some of these include:

  • NIH K12 Genetics and Genomics of Lung Disease. This training grant is to transition senior fellows and post-docs into faculty positions, providing protected time and mentorship. Please contact Mary Rose for information (

  • NIH T32 Genetics and Genomics of Muscle Disease. This training grant is for post-doctoral fellows, both physician/scientists and basic scientists, in muscle research. Please contact Terence Partridge for information ( with inquires and application procedures).

  • NIH NSADA Training in neurology. This award is to transition senior clinical fellows into independent academic research faculty positions in neurology and neuroscience research. Please contact Roger Packer (

  • NIH T32 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center Training Grant.  This award is to provide training in neuroscience topics, including basic, translational and clinical research. Contact Vittorio Gallo (

  • NIH Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Center.  The Wellstone Center includes training slots for Ph.D. and post-doc fellows interested in muscular dystrophy research. Contact Eric Hoffman (

  • NIH National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research ( This Center hosts on-site training of fellows and students in genome-enabled rehabilitation research, murine drug trials, and pediatric clinical trial outcome research. Contact Susan Knoblach (

Additional training positions are available using both NIH and institutional funding sources.

Graduate research slots (Ph.D. thesis work) are typically arranged through the George Washington Institute of Biomedical Sciences (GWIBS) training program. Many Department of Genomics and Precision Medicine faculty host graduate students for their dissertation research, with funding derived from the training grants or laboratory research funds. Prospective students are encouraged to apply to GWIBS program, and enter the Molecular Medicine – Systems Biology track.